
Intentional Communities

Rubin, Zach. 2019. “Ecovillagers’ Assessment of Sustainability: Differing Perceptions of Technology as a Differing Account of Modernism.” Sustainability 11(21):6167.

Rubin, Zach, Don Willis, and Yana Ludwig. 2019. “Measuring Success in Intentional Communities: A Critical Evaluation of Commitment and Longevity Theories.” Sociological Spectrum 39(3):181–93.

Rubin, Zach. 2020. “‘A Not-so-Silent Form of Activism’: Intentional Community as Collective Action Reservoir.” Humanity & Society 0160597620951945. doi: 10.1177/0160597620951945.

Rubin, Zach. 2020. “‘Group Held Values’ as Legitimate Domination: A Critique of Weber’s Typology of Authority in an Intentional Community.” Max Weber Studies 20(2).

Rubin, Zach. 2021. “‘We Do This at Dancing Rabbit’: Recruitment and Collective Identity Processes in the Ecovillage.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 50(4):0891241621994651. doi: 10.1177/0891241621994651.

Food Insecurity and Other Social Issues

Rubin, Zach, and Don Willis. 2021. The State of Food and Housing at Lander University. Public. Greenwood, SC: Lander University.

Kalysta Addison & Zach Rubin (2023) “At One Point We Had No Funding for Paper”: How Grants and the Covid Crises Have Shaped Service Provision in Child Advocacy Centers, Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance, 47:1, 42-56, DOI: 10.1080/23303131.2022.2119626

Book Reviews

Rubin, Zach. 2017. “Book Review: Together Resilient by Maikwe Ludwig.” Communal Societies: Journal of the Communal Studies Association 37(1):121–23.

Rubin, Zach. 2021a. “Book Review: American Messiahs by Adam Morris.” Communal Societies: Journal of the Communal Studies Association 39(2).

Rubin, Zach. 2022. “Book Review: Blessings and Burdens: 100 Years If Hutterites in Manitoba.” Communal Societies Forthcoming.


Rubin, Zach. 2020. “Panel Discussions – A Gentler Introduction to Debating Social Problems.” TRAILS – Teach Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology.

Rubin, Zach. 2021. “Ecotours: A Tour Through Disaster.” TRAILS – Teaching Resources and Innovations Library in Sociology.

Rubin, Zach. 2021. “Stats Through Superheroes: Teaching Basic Statistical Tests Using Data From The Marvel Universe.” TRAILS – Teaching Resources and Innovations Library in Sociology.